The healing
power of herbal

Camphor has a wide variety of topical uses due to its antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Preparations containing camphor are commonly used to treat skin conditions, improve respiratory function, and relieve pain.

Relieves congestion

Relieves pain

Creates an initial sensation of coolness and soon followed by a sensation of warmth.

Relieves pain

Treats muscle aches

Cajuput Oil
The cajuput (cajeput) oil is primarily known for its antiseptic and analgesic qualities. It’s also considered anti-inflammatory, and the cajuput oil preparations can be used to help treat minor skin wounds, colds, and inflammatory skin diseases.

Topical anaesthetic

Relieves muscle & joint pain

Mint Oil Dementholised
Dementholised mint oil is obtained from the mentha oil. Mentha oil is processed from the mentha leaves. It is native to Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa and North America. The range of colour of the leaves is light to dark green, grey, purple and sometimes pale yellow.

Relieves nasal congestion

Relieves muscle & joint pain

Eucalyptus Oil
Originally native to Australia, eucalyptus trees are now grown all over the world and used for their medicinal properties. The essential oil is extracted from the eucalyptus tree’s oval-shaped leaves. Eucalyptus oil preparations are often used as anaesthetics, antiseptics and disinfectants.

Treats muscle aches

Relieves muscle & joint pain

Wintergreen Oil
The soothing sensations of Wintergreen oil makes it a useful component for massages. Wintergreen essential oil has a prominent scent that is sweet, minty, and refreshing. This aroma can be both uplifting and stimulating to the senses.

Topical anaesthetic

Relieves muscle & joint pain

Clove Bud Oil
Clove oil is an essential oil derived from clove trees. The clove tree, known as Syzygium aromaticum, is native to Southeast Asia, although today you may find it growing in other locations too.


Topical anaesthetic